Sunday, June 14, 2009

Seven Mile Hole Addendum

A couple of things I would like to add to Hilary’s entry regarding our hike:

I enjoyed hearing the gentle roar of the river from our campsite, as well as getting to see the canyon from a different (and beautiful) perspective.

Though parts of the hike were challenging, the scenery was wonderful along the way.  When we stopped to catch our breath two-thirds of the way out, we sang and played the ukulele against the backdrop of the canyon.

On the way back, we made tasty pancakes for dinner (on the upside-down lid of my pot) across the canyon from Silver Cord Cascade (pictured).  The creek several meters upstream of the then-invisible waterfall was our water source on our Ribbon Lake trip, and I was glad to finally see Silver Cord on this hike.

We had collected our water from the mighty Yellowstone River, which I thought was just so cool.  We had some water left when we returned, so I asked our friends, “Who wants to drink some water from the Yellowstone River?”  Hilary reminded me, “All of Canyon’s water comes from the Yellowstone River.”

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