Thursday, July 9, 2009

Near Death Experiences

While James was away climbing mountains last weekend I had ample opportunity to rest, so I jumped at the chance since it may have very well been my last (James has planned a big trip for virtually every break from work.)  After my relaxing weekend I was loath to go back to work but knew that it was what was necessary to continue living here in Yellowstone.  It was the fourth of July, which did not improve my attitude toward my job.  After about an hour working at Lodge Favorites, which is quite possibly the worst place to work since it usually has a line out the door, I began to come down with a massive headache.  I was working with a new employee and would have felt bad leaving early so I did not tell my manager in the hopes that it would go away.  Once I realized that my health was in a steady decline I guiltily (and somewhat happily) left work.  An hour later, without the luxury of a thermometer, I had a fever of unknown intensity, and the next day it was worse.  I called in sick for the next two days since it appeared that my illness would not be going away in that time.  After three days of misery (achy, high fever, intense headache) I finally felt good enough to go back to work.

I worked for two days, and then it was our weekend again!  My shift on Wednesday was from 6 – 11 AM, I took a shower, and then James and I were on our way to the Bridge Bay Marina.  I told James that I wanted to rest since I was sick only days ago, so we rented (for free) a rowboat and James proceeded to row me around the marina.  James had wanted to row me all the way out to Stevenson Island, three miles from shore, but the wind was so strong that it was not allowed.  Rowing was easy for James at the beginning of our adventure but, as the gusts grew stronger, it became increasingly difficult.  We almost made it back to our dock, but a particularly strong gust of wind blew us into the wrong one.  A “rescue” became necessary, and then we left.

It took us a little while to find a ride back to Canyon, but we were eventually picked up by an acquaintance of James’s from the University of Texas.  She took us as far as Fishing Bridge, and then some Canyon friends of ours picked us up.  After promising that we would get back to our village by that evening, they took us on a bit of a day hike to Stormy Point.  It was lovely, cold, and windy.  As promised we were back by 6:45, but my relaxing day had turned into a day filled with exercise and adrenaline.  I slept from 7:30 until 8:00 this morning, and I plan on doing little for the rest of the day.


  1. I posted a comment yesterday. Wonder why it doesn't show up today...? Hmmm.

    My comment was something like this: Didn't you and Joy get stuck on Lake Cherokee because of high winds?

  2. This is Hilary replying.

    Why yes Mom, yes we did. I actually told James all about that story, and how we were rescued only after being somebody's entertainment for about twenty minutes.

  3. I'm never getting in a boat with you Hilary.
