Sunday, August 9, 2009


Hilary and I hiked a few miles 
south of the canyon to Wrangler Lake for our final camping trip in Yellowstone. Halfway there it started to rain, which made Hilary upset. When we got to the halfway-up-the-shin ford across Sour Creek, I decided to be a sweetheart and carry both packs across, then come back and carry Hilary across (a performance that I repeated the next day).

During the trip, I finally field-tested the "foon" Zack Van Brunt so kindly gave me in response to my Sporks? post.  It worked well for both my soupy entrée and for the chocolate 
cake for dessert.  It has also worked well for eating solid chicken in the EDR.  These pictures demonstrate how unhappy I was eating breakfast with my hands, then how my mood improved once I implemented the foon.

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